Saturday, June 21, 2014

Your Weakness Perfects His Strength

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
2 Corinthians 12:9

Isn’t it interesting that people dedicate an inordinate amount of time condemning others for their weaknesses, shortcomings, and failures? I mean I’ve witnessed and honestly, participated in verbal campaigns to identify, criticize, mock, and demoralize others when their human tendencies to fall short became public knowledge. I’ve also been the victim of this type of campaign, even when the stories weren’t based in truth, all at the hands (or mouths) of many in the Body of Christ. The irony in all of this is that this sinful, flesh-driven behavior is in direct contradiction to what God tells us about our weaknesses and how they should be viewed.

Second Corinthians 12:9 makes it quite clear that God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. The Lord wants us to understand that instead of condemning ourselves when we fall short, we should turn to Him and seek His strength to transform our weakness into strength. Now, this is not a license to revel in our weaknesses that cause us to sin, but rather to seek God’s strength to help us overcome those weaknesses. For it is when we seek and rest in HIS strength that He gets the glory!

As for how this relates to the behavior I referenced at the beginning of this piece, it’s simple. As Believers, we are called to believe the best about others. When faced with knowledge that casts our brothers or sisters in a negative light, we are expected to pray for them, offer words of encouragement, and give Godly counsel. Nowhere does it say that we should spend time verbally condemning or crucifying each other using negative knowledge that may or may not be true. Our primary motive should ALWAYS be to love one another, ESPECIALLY when offering correction. If our motive involves our feeling superior, or the need to “tell them about themselves”, then our motive is contrary to the heart of God.

Purpose in your heart to submit your weaknesses to God and allow His power to be made perfect in your weakness. And when faced with the weakness of your brothers and sisters, purpose in your heart to pray for their deliverance while offering Godly counsel or words of encouragement until they are ready to experience God’s perfect power!