Sunday, January 8, 2012

Countdown to Hope ~ Day Six

Countdown to Hope ~ Day Six

“But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him.”
Jeremiah 17:7(NIV)

I have a question for you. Mind you, it is somewhat rhetorical in nature, but I’ll ask it nonetheless. Do you want to be blessed? Now, you’re either thinking or saying to yourself, “Duh, Liane, who in their right mind wouldn’t want to be blessed?” And, I would have to agree with you. But then again, I have to wonder if people really want to be blessed, or do they just want to have a lot of money, stuff and favor wherever they go.

I’ve learned that in order to truly be blessed, you must be in relationship with God through Jesus Christ, our Savior and sacrificial Lamb. Too many people, especially those in church, are confused and misguided when it comes to understanding what it means to be “blessed”. Having a lot of money and stuff does not make you blessed. It simply means you have a lot of money and stuff.

The actual definitions for blessed are defined by as “consecrated; sacred; holy; sanctified and divinely or supremely favored; fortunate”. Now, how can one be consecrated, sacred, holy or sanctified if they are not in relationship with the only one who can save you, cleanse you, sanctify you and subsequently show you divine and supreme favor? Jesus Christ, the Holy Lamb of God, is the only one that can cause us to be all of those things through the shedding of His blood. We can only access the blessings that are connected with Him when we enter into relationship with Him. And it is through commitment to this relationship, spending time with Him in prayer and getting to know Him as we study and meditate on His Word, that we cultivate the connection that creates trust. It is only when we learn to trust Him that we are truly blessed! Once we put our confidence in the God of our salvation and not in money, stuff, the economy, politicians, jobs, friends, family or any other entity, we become blessed! We become consecrated because we are subject only to Jesus and His Word and will for our lives! We become sacred, holy and sanctified vessels because we are washed by His blood! And we walk and live in divine and supreme favor that only God can provide!

So, what are you waiting for? Stop wasting time and submit to the one, true God and become blessed and highly favored!

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