Monday, December 30, 2013

Happiness is Contagious!

“Happiness is like jam, you can’t spread even a little without getting some on yourself.”

Have you ever noticed miserable people tend to surround themselves with other miserable people? Why, you ask? Because it is impossible to remain happy, joyful, or positive around misery! So, when happy people encounter miserable people, they FLEE! They might try to share their happiness with them in an effort to buoy their spirits, but more often than not, it doesn’t work. Misery really does love company!

Now, I used to be a miserable person because that’s all I knew. I was also miserable because of unchecked and unacknowledged emotional issues that presented challenges I was unprepared to deal with. But that aside, I still had a decision to make. I needed to decide whether I was going to choose happiness or stay with the internal misery I’d known for so long. Well, I choose happiness! I’m not going to give you the sugar-coated version of that process. It was HARD WORK! It was a constant challenge because I had to rewire my brain and learn a whole new way to think, react to situations, and plan my thoughts about life in general deliberately. And it is STILL a process!

However, through all of this, I learned that happiness can be just as contagious as misery! I also found that as I shared happiness, it impacted those around me. And when I’ve been down myself and I decided to try to lift someone else’s spirits, mine were lifted, too!!! So, today’s quote is actually quite accurate. It IS impossible to share happiness without it coming back to you! So, make it point to choose to share happiness rather than negativity and watch your joy soar!

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