Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Let's Talk About the Light

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.” 
Genesis 1:1 – 5 (NIV)

(Image courtesy of

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life” is often quoted in an effort to encourage someone who attempts a new beginning of sorts. It’s almost an anthem for those who are embarking on a new-found journey, redirecting their course, or simply starting all over again. It is a mandate to turn ones’ back upon the failures or disappointments of the past, throw caution to the wind, and create and manifest a new vision for their lives. Since today is New Year’s Day, people all over the world are coming up with New Year’s Resolutions, vows to do better, work harder, exercise more, and thousands of other “self-improvement” promises that may very well go unfulfilled and become quickly forgotten. But…it doesn't have to be that way!

In this passage of Genesis, the very first lines of the Holy Bible, we see that God has looked out over the heavens and the earth and made some decisions. God decided He wanted more than what He saw sitting before Him. He didn’t just want to look out and see formless emptiness shaded over by darkness. He wanted to see light! So, instead of complaining to the Son and the Holy Spirit about how dark it was, how uninteresting the lack of form was, or how empty it felt to look out over it, He opened His mouth and spoke what He wanted to see. He wanted light, not darkness. That’s where He started. If you go on to read the rest of the first chapter, you’ll see that He addresses the formlessness and emptiness as well. But first, let’s talk about the light.

You will NEVER change ANYTHING in your LIFE until you shed light on it! Until you are willing to look at yourself, take responsibility for the choices you’ve made, reconcile yourself with the wrong that has been done to you, and begin the process of forgiving everyone who’s hurt you (including YOURSELF), then real light CANNOT enter. You must want the light to illuminate truth so that you can look at yourself objectively and see where improvement is needed. Life, just like the plants in the earth, is about change and growth. Anyone who remains stagnant fails to grow and it means that you’re not connected to a life-giving source. You must broaden your mind, try new experiences, expand your knowledge of something you’re uncertain of, push past the limitations the world may have put upon you, and become the most outstanding version of yourself that you can be right now! But first…let’s talk about the light.

Once light is shed upon anything, darkness is diminished and you can see clearly. But it does not stop with just seeing clearly. When God spoke light into existence, it is because He recognized that He had the power to create a change in what He saw. He knew that if He spoke light into existence, it would happen. And so it is with us as Believers. We cannot act like situations don’t need to change. We can’t ignore situations that need light to be shed upon them for the sake of comfort or even worse, because we are afraid! We must see what stands before us, find out what the Word of God says about it, and then speak what the Word says in order to bring God’s plans to fruition! But…we cannot just speak it; we must walk according to the Word and as the Bible tells us in Romans 4:17c to “call into being things that were not (as though they are)”. We must not just identify the issues and harp on them, but shed the light of truth and love upon them by speaking the Word of God over each issue. And here’s the challenge; we must change our behavior in order to see the change manifested! The light enters to illuminate the need for changes. We then have to become enlightened by the Word of God in order to see what the change needs to be. From there, we must submit to the power of God by changing our behavior (that we have control over) and seeking God’s power to change that which we struggle with.

So, when we talk about today being the first day of the rest of your life, it actually can be! You can decide today to plan for your success on this new journey or re-dedication to bringing out the BEST in you! Don’t just sit back and wish things were different! Make them happen! Seek the power of God to help you change the complacence that has come to be your “normal”. You are an amazing individual endowed with talents, passion, and purpose! Begin walking in that purpose today! After all, today really can be the first day of the rest of your life!

Prayer Focus: Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that you move me out of my comfort zone by shedding light upon my life. Open my eyes so that I can see all of the potential that you’ve put inside of me so that I WILL use the gifts/talents that you’ve given me, live out this life with passion all the while striving to fulfill my purpose on this earth! I recognize that when I walk in my purpose with passion and joy, I bring glory to You because I am all that I am because of You! Father, let Your light shine on me, in me, and through me each and every day! Amen!

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