Sunday, January 5, 2014

Life in Abundance

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
John 10:10 (NKJV)

(Image courtesy of

I love, love, LOVE this scripture! Why? Because it talks about the abundant life we encounter when we are in relationship with God! But I don’t tag the word abundance only to the accumulation of material things. I see a bigger, even greater meaning. With Christ, we can live within the abundance of His presence and let that life spill out wherever we go!

Shepherd vs. Thief

Jesus spoke these words in John 10:10. He was sharing a parable that explained the difference between a thief and a true shepherd. He pointed out that a thief gains entry into the sheep pen dishonestly and through ill-begotten means. Why? Because a thief’s intentions are not honorable and they are the embodiment of selfishness.  A thief takes that which does not and has never belonged to them. They steal from the bounty of others. A shepherd, on the other hand, walks through the front gate and the sheep recognize his voice because they belong to the shepherd. There is relationship between the shepherd and his sheep. The thief has no relationship with the sheep therefore has no stake in the successful life of the sheep. The sheep exist solely for the benefit of the thief, while the shepherd is willing to sacrifice themselves for the safety and well-being of the sheep within their care.

Just like Jesus does for us, a shepherd creates the best environment for his sheep to thrive and succeed. A good shepherd gives His flock the best feed, exercises them, keeps them protected from vile predators, and lovingly sheers away their old coats in preparation for the heat of summer. A good shepherd tends to the contentedness of their sheep because happy sheep are often more productive, successful sheep. And so it is with us and our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

Real Abundance

Jesus came, was crucified, and rose again so that we can have a more abundant life. He left behind clear instructions (The Bible) and a guide (The Holy Spirit) to help us navigate through this thing we call life in the most successful way possible. Now, some focus completely on the financial and material when they hear “abundance”. If they don’t see dollar signs, then they think they’re completely missing the abundance Jesus talks about, but that’s not so. Abundant life involves your attitude, your perspective, your experiences, and the fullness of your life! As Christians, we’re supposed to have abundant joy, peace, an overflow of love, patience, compassion, and wisdom! We’re supposed to be so passionate about our divinely ordained purpose that we explode with joy wherever we go! And when we tap into our divine purpose, we can tap into the gifts God has given us and create financial provision for our families and to contribute to the Kingdom!

So, the next time you see or hear this scripture, remember to tap into that abundant joy and crush any fear of living out your divine purpose with abundant love, and live your life in ABUNDANCE!

Prayer Focus: Father, in the name of Jesus, help me remember to stay in relationship with You so that I can live my life more abundantly. When I get sidetracked, remind me that it’s my right and responsibility to live in abundant joy, peace and love all the while tapping into and manifesting my divine purpose. Help me to stay focused and committed to living abundantly in everything that I do so that my abundant life brings glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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