Saturday, April 19, 2014

All Things Can Become New!

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

 Philippians 1:6

Isn’t it amazing how people think they know a person’s whole story because they “heard” something about them? Or that they’ve elevated themselves to the level of gods by predetermining another individual’s ability or inability to change? Better yet, how about the ones who’ve witnessed an individual’s transformation before their very eyes, but insist on dredging up that individual’s past mistakes or errors in judgment in order to make themselves appear better than they actually are? Such arrogance! Where is the compassion that was demonstrated so often by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Where is that faith in action that we claim to have when dealing with the broken, battered, and scorned? Enough!

As believers, we are supposed to understand that people are not the agents of change when it comes to the spiritual matters in our lives. Jesus is! Philippians 1:6 reminds us that God begins, directs, and completes any and all good works within us. We are spiritually inept at changing the core of our nature or even overcoming the spiritual damage that’s stained and created so many dysfunctions within the core of our being. But God!!! As we celebrate this season, remember that His crucifixion, death and subsequent resurrection should be the daily reminder that ALL THINGS CAN BECOME NEW!!! ALL THINGS!!! That means there is nothing that we’ve said, thought, or done that cannot be forgiven and renewed through the power of Jesus’ shed blood! And while the damage may not be undone, the spiritual penalty is! And that affords us all the opportunity to go forward in God and become all that He has planned for us to become. It is then that we will bring Him the glory that we’ve been especially designed to do!

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