Sunday, December 29, 2013

Your Life is Worth Living!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." Proverbs 17:22

Psst...guess what? Your life is worth living! No, it won't always be easy. Yes, there will be heartache and at times, almost unbearable pain. But, oh the love, the joy, and the laughter more than make up for it! I see a lot of people talking about 2014 and how it's going to be different. That's great. But do it more than say it. Change some things. Remove some people from your life. Challenge yourself to see the beauty of God's creations rather than the shortcomings and failings all around you. Dare yourself to have a deep, knee-buckling belly laugh every single day despite the negatives you might be dealing with. Surround yourself with positive people who encourage your success, sharpen your skills, and make you laugh and smile! Determine your motto and live it out starting today! I wish you a fulfilling and purpose-filled life, laughter that helps you tap into the joy of the Lord, and love that inspires you, envelopes you, and strengthens you throughout your life's journey! #livelaughlove 

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