Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Countdown to Hope ~ Day 3

Activating Your Shield
“But you are a shield around me, O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.” Psalm 3:3

What an enlightening scripture this is! After reading this particular scripture this morning, I had the most amazing “Aha!” moment. Now, you would think that I’d already know these things, but I must remind myself that we all have a different learning curve at different times in our lives. Right now, my faith learning curve is a little delayed! LOL!

Any who…as I read this scripture for the third or fourth time, I realized that my faith is my shield to deflect any and all attacks, adversity, or challenges that come my way. God said that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Now, to those who are tactile learners (or kinesthetic learners), we need hands on demonstrations in order to really grasp a concept. We need physical interaction in order for that concept to become concrete even though it may be abstract in nature. (Hence, the whole shield/faith thing for me.)

 I recently watched the film about Captain America. While watching the film, the theme song from the cartoon that I watched kept replaying in my head. I kept hearing, “When Captain America throws his mighty shield…!” Now, I recall a brief conversation with my sons maybe a year prior to this when the consensus amongst them was that Captain America wasn’t very impressive because all he had was a shield. I also remember fervently defending him because it wasn’t the fact that he had a shield, but how he used that shield against his enemies that mattered! And so it is with our faith walk! It is impossible to maintain or even embrace hope when we are constantly being attacked, wounded and weakened throughout each day; however, maybe we’re not using the shield of faith that has been granted to every believer. Today, I plan on using my shield of faith rather than letting it sit in a corner somewhere useless.

How about you?

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