Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Five Senses - A Curse of a Blessing

The Five Senses – A Curse or a Blessing
True believers in Christ are, without question, a peculiar bunch. The bible says that we, “are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9 KJV) . We exist to worship God. We are expected to yield every part of our beings to God and His will for our lives because once we name Christ as our Savior, we belong to Him. In fact, we are so tremendously blessed that the bible declares, “no weapon formed against us shall prosper”. (Isaiah 54:17 KJV) Yet, despite the protection and blessings that we walk in as believers, Paul reminds us in Romans 7:21 (KJV), “when I would do good, evil is present with me.” We must face the fact that we have an adversary in the form of Satan, the fallen one. He desires to see all believers destroyed, both physically and spiritually. He wants to see our testimonies voided, pushing and tricking us into succumbing to every weakness and temptation. But, in my opinion, he gets entirely too much credit for bad behavior amongst the saints. Now, if you were to attend almost any traditional devotional service, the number one reason given for a believer’s fall from grace is the devil, the enemy, the adversary. I tell you, the devil gets ample airtime within the Body of Christ! He is blamed for everything from mass destruction in the world to the reason why that sister you have issues with didn’t speak as she walked by. Now, without negating Satan’s clear influence in this world of ours, where does free will and individual choice enter into the picture? Where, in all of this, do we take responsibility? When does everything stop being the fault of the adversary?
As human beings, God designed us with emotions and senses. He gave us mortal bodies that have real physical needs. We need a certain amount of food, water and rest in order to survive. He gave us senses to help us navigate through this human experience. He gave us a sense of touch, the ability to see, hear, taste and smell. All of these senses can lead to blessings or curses, depending on how we engage them and respond to the stimuli that triggers them. 2 Corinthians 10:14 says, “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” How we respond to what impacts our senses influences whether we use them according to God’s intended purpose or allow the enemy to pervert them.
The sense of touch is not a perverse thing. In fact, it is a scientifically proven need. It has been shown that newborns that are never touched don’t develop properly physically, emotionally or mentally. We are designed to be touched and to touch others. However, when we allow the need for touch to rule us over the balancing power of the Word, it becomes a stronghold and a tool for the enemy to use against us. When we feed this need for touch with inappropriate relationships and the touching that goes along with it, we invite the enemy in to take up residence in that area of our lives. Touch, in its appropriate form, brings life to a longing soul.
Matthew 6:22-23 says, “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” A more secular interpretation of this scripture is “the eyes are the windows of the soul”, or as the French say, “the eyes are the mirror of the soul”. As believers, we often forget just how powerful an image is. We live in a time when most Americans are bombarded with millions of images every day. Images on television, billboards, radio commercials, and internet commercials, advertisements on cars, public transportation and even in the movie theaters leave us with little opportunity to just disconnect from the plethora of images everywhere. There are even advertisements in cell phone apps! And these are the involuntary images, most of which are contrary to God’s Word. If we factor in the voluntary images, the number of anti-Word, anti-Will of God images must be staggering! Yet, we are surprised when we act in ways that are contrary to God’s Word! What we see has such a tremendous influence on our thought process and how we make decisions! The same goes for what we hear! What we listen to and plant within our hearts has just as much influence on us as what we see! This is why we must stay in God’s Word in order to combat the world’s influence upon our beings.
Taste and smell must seem rather inconsequential when compared to sight and hearing. However, when allowed to go unbalanced and unchecked, these senses can trigger out of control desires that believers have trouble bringing under subjection. The sense of smell and taste often dictate a person’s eating habits. Smell triggers hunger and taste facilitates the eating process. When human beings rely on smell and taste to dictate their satisfaction, they will never, ever become satisfied! Our ability to eat until we are full will be replaced with the need to appease the greed and lust of the senses. Why do we eat when we aren’t hungry? Because we have become slaves to the imbalanced desires triggered by our senses. We must continuously read and study the Word and pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We must pray for discipline and balance that only the Word of God can give us. We must remind ourselves each day that, “Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). It is only through God’s Word that we will obtain and remain victorious!

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