Thursday, November 10, 2011

Countdown to Hope – Day 4

The Renewing Power of Hope

“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)


Today is simply dreary and dismal. We’ve gone from beautiful, sunny days to an overabundance of clouds, dampness and a vicious chill in the air. It is not a day that easily inspires hope, not even a little spark. It’s on days like this that the burdens and challenges we face seem to wrap around our necks and choke out any small trace of hope that exists deep within us. Defeat looms on the horizon and our faith becomes shaky at best. But, if we get to a quiet place, shut out the world and listen intently for that still, small voice, we can grab hold of the remedy for these valley days.

This scripture is an oft quoted reference that has become somewhat of a cliché in church circles. In my experience, it’s thrown around and responded to so much that for many, it has sadly lost its meaning. But if we take a step back, remove the “churchiness” and really concentrate on the message, we find the answer to this level of despair and any other debilitating experience. It states that “those who HOPE in the LORD” will receive some pretty amazing benefits from that hope. But once again, there’s a catch. We’re back to this whole choice thing. It points out that those who will, not that all will or even that all must. Trusting in God is a conscious, active choice. Hope, like faith and trust, are verbs! They are actions! This faith-journey is an active choice, not happenstance. Those who are at peace and walk in the fullness of God’s love, joy, peace, prosperity and abundance of spirit all make an active choice to do so. God honors the choosers because He chose to uniquely design and create each and every one of us. So, it’s only logical that if we want the fullness of who our Father is and what He wants us to have, we must choose Him each and every day, all day. We must actively hope in Him and His Word because that should be our litmus test, our standard and our goal.

While valley days (and sometimes valley seasons) make this daily choice a challenge, it is a must do in order to not only live the life He has ordained and secured for us, but to honor Him and glorify Him in all that we do. So, note to self: I will hope in the Lord because He is my strength each and every day. And because I choose to hope in my God, I will soar like an eagle, I will not get weary or faint on this journey because the power I receive from hoping in Him, sustains me.

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