Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Welcome to my new blog, Worship Through My Wilderness!

I am touched that you are interested in the things that I feel and want to say. In these days and times, too many people focus on the negative, harsh realities that we face in this world. I want to be a voice of love, encouragement and hope in a time when it is so desperately needed!

As I writer, I find healing and clarity in the words that I put on paper, whether through an essay, a poem or even a brief commentary. It is my hope that as I journey through this life, maybe something that I've experienced or thoughts that I've shared might touch or help someone else along the way. No matter what you are struggling with or what challenges lay before you, know that God loves you and Jesus Christ gave His life so that you can have eternal life! Not only that, but Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly! So, my brothers and sisters, be encouraged! I hope you enjoy my blog!


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